General admission


Autocaravan Express, SA, with registered office at Autovia AI kilometer 24 in San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain, with email address with CIF number A-78809803 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 85 / 3 general 7397, Section 3, Folio 78, Sheet 80.834-2, is the legal person who owns this website, the use of which is regulated by this information for the user thereof. Autocaravan Express, SA, has the corresponding administrative authorization provided for in Law 16/1987, of July 30, on Land Transport and in Royal Decree 1211/1990, of September 28, (authorization number 11061659-2) that legally qualifies for the provision of rental services for passenger cars, vans and motorhomes. The use of this website attributes the condition of User, which implies adherence to these conditions in the version published at the time it is accessed. For this reason, Autocaravan Express, SA recommends the User to read them carefully each time they access the website. Likewise, the reservation service for the rental of private cars, vans and motorhomes, and other additional services managed by Autocaravan Express, SA through its website are regulated by the corresponding Terms and Conditions applicable to the aforementioned services, and which, according to the cases, replace, complete and / or modify this Legal Notice. Therefore, prior to requesting and using these services, the User must also carefully read the corresponding Terms and Conditions.


Privacy and Data Protection

Any personal information that you provide us during the use of this website will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, also included in the corresponding Terms and Conditions that regulate each specific service. The User must read and accept said Policy before providing their personal data to Autocaravan Express, SA


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

All the industrial and intellectual property rights of this website belong to Autocaravan Express, SA or third parties, whose rights are recognized by Autocaravan Express, SA. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, copy, publicly communicate, distribute, transform or modify the elements of the website, or violate any other right subject to protection by intellectual or industrial property law, unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted. Violation of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as an offense punished in accordance with articles 270 and following of the Penal Code.


Acceptable use

The User agrees to make use of this website in accordance with this Legal Notice and not to carry out activities contrary to law, morality or public order.

In particular, it undertakes to refrain from:

  • Transmit, disseminate or make denigratory, obscene, defamatory or otherwise illegal information available to third parties.
  • Using this website in a way that causes or may cause a violation of the rights of third parties.
  • Make an unauthorized, false or fraudulent reservation.
  • Use any software or tool to interfere or attempt to interfere electronically or manually the operation or functionality of the website including, but not limited to, uploading or making accessible by any means files containing viruses or harmful files.
  • Modify, alter or interfere with any of the elements of this website.
  • Take any action that involves a disproportionate or unreasonable load on the website or related infrastructure.
  • Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access, by any means, to any of Autocaravan Express, SA's networks. Autocaravan Express, SA prior notice, in case you carry out any of the above activities and exercise the legal actions you deem appropriate.


Changes to the website

Autocaravan Express, SA may make, at any time, without prior notice, improvements or changes in the information, services, products and other elements of the website, as well as in this Legal Notice. Autocaravan Express, SA reserves the right to interrupt access to its website, as well as the provision of all or any of the services provided through it, at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical reasons, of security, control, maintenance, power supply failures or any other cause. Said interruption may be temporary or definitive.


Links to other websites

Autocaravan Express, SA is not responsible for the information contained in third party web pages that can be accessed by links or search engines of this website, since their function is to inform the User about the existence of other sources of information about the subject of motorhomes on the Internet, where you can expand the data offered on this website, and in no case implies a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them. For all these reasons, Autocaravan Express, SA will not be responsible for the results obtained through said hypertext links.


Limitation of Liability

Autocaravan Express, SA will not be responsible in the event that there are service interruptions, delays, errors, malfunctions thereof and, in general, other inconveniences that originate from causes beyond the control of Autocaravan Express, SA, and / or due to a willful or faulty action by the User and / or that is caused by Force Majeure. Without prejudice to the provisions of article 1105 of the Civil Code, they will be understood to be included in the concept of Force Majeure, in addition, and for the purposes of these general conditions, all those events that occur outside the control of Autocaravan Express, SA such as: failure of third parties, operators or service companies, government acts, lack of access to third party networks, acts or omissions of Public Authorities, those others produced as a consequence of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc. and the attack of hackers or third parties specialized in the security or integrity of the computer system, provided that Autocaravan Express, SA has adopted all existing security measures in accordance with the state of the art. In any case, whatever its cause, and to the extent that it is permitted by applicable law, Autocaravan Express, SA will not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages and / or lost profits.

Autocaravan Express, SA is not responsible for the use that the User makes of this website as well as any element thereof, infringing the rights of intellectual or industrial property or any other right of third parties. Autocaravan Express, SA assumes no responsibility for damages that may be caused to Users' computers by possible computer viruses contracted by the user as a result of browsing the website, or for any other damage derived from that browsing, including those caused by email.


Disclaimer of warranties

Autocaravan Express, SA is not responsible for the veracity, accuracy and quality of this website, its services, information and materials. Such services, information and materials are presented "as is" and "are accessible" without warranties of any kind. Consequently, the User must, before carrying out any action based on the information contained in this website, verify it by contacting the corresponding Autocaravan Express, SA office.



The User will be liable for damages of any nature that Autocaravan Express, SA may suffer as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by virtue of this Legal Notice or by any Terms and Conditions that may be applicable.



The User acknowledges and expressly agrees that this Legal Notice represents all the agreements between him and Autocaravan Express, SA, whether verbal or written in relation to the object thereof. This Legal Notice replaces and replaces any previous proposals, correspondence, commitments or other communications, both written and verbal, maintained between the User and Autocaravan Express, SA in relation to the Legal Notice.

For any litigation or matter that concerns the website of Autocaravan Express, SA, Spanish legislation will apply, being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising or related to the use of this website, the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid city (Spain).